Surujin-Jutsu (or スルジン術 in Japanese) includes the fighting techniques ( 術 Jutsu ) with a lightweight chain that has a weight for twining at one end, and a short sharp weapon for thrusting on the other ( スルジン Surujin ), according to Ryukyu Kobujutsu. The length of the regular (or short) Surujin corresponds to the wingspan of the outspread arms (which is about one and a half meters or 5 feet), while the long Surujin can measure up to twice this regular length. Next, Kumite (or 組手 in Japanese) – literally ’grappling hands’ – means practicing with an opponent.
In the video embedded below (recorded on 6 May 2024), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national champion from the Netherlands, performs the fifteen basic one-step-sparring sequences for the regular (or short) Surujin. For these Kumite exercises, he has made a practice Surujin out of rope with a wooden Tanto on one end and a tennis ball on the other.
© : This page was last updated on 2023/05/07.