Tanbo-Jutsu (or 短棒術 in Japanese) includes the fighting techniques ( 術 Jutsu) with a short stick ( 短棒 Tanbō). This Tanbo is slightly longer than the forearm, measured from just before the forehand to just beyond the elbow. Next, Waza (or 技 in Japanese) means ‘techniques’, while Renraku is a contraction of Ren (or 連 in Japanese), meaning ‘row’, and Raku (or 盟 in Japanese), meaning ‘repetition’. So, Renraku-Waza is a row of repeated techniques in which the roles are reversed at the end of the series. In this way, this Kumite (or 組手 in Japanese) exercise or practice fight can continue again and again. In the video embedded below (recorded on 9 December 2024), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national champion from the Netherlands, performs three series of these endlessly repeatable techniques for the Tanbo against the Hanbo.
© Ryukyu-Kobujutsu.org : This page was last updated on 2024/12/10.