Tanbo-Jutsu (or 短棒術 in Japanese) includes the fighting techniques ( 術 Jutsu) with a small staff ( 短棒 Tanbō). The Tanbo is slightly longer than the forearm, measured from just before the forehand to just beyond the elbow. In the video embedded below (recorded on 4 September 2023), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national champion from the Netherlands, performs the Kihon-Kata (or 基本型 in Japanese) of Tanbo-Jutsu developed by Wim van de Leur (1944), 7th Dan in Ryukyu Kobujutsu and also from the Netherlands. At the end of this video, the techniques of this Kihon-Kata are shown one by one through successive photos of him.
The techniques of this Kihon-Kata are:
© Ryukyu-Kobujutsu.org : This page was last updated on 2024/07/23.