Renshu no Nunchaku Sho


Renshu no Nunchaku Sho (or 練習のヌンチャク小 in Japanese) is a Ryukyu Kobujutsu Nunchaku Kata. The first part of this name – Renshū (or 練習 in Japanese) – means practice or training. The weapon used to train with in this kata is the Nunchaku ( のヌンチャク ), which is a dual-section hardwood stick. This Nunchaku Training Kata (also spelled as Renshugata ) has the extension of ‘Sho’ (or 小 in Japanese), which means ‘small’. In the video embedded below (recorded on 8 May 2023), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national champion from the Netherlands, performs this ‘small version of the Nunchaku Training Kata’.

© : This page was last updated on 2024/03/26.